Vacancy Announcement
For - Staff Vacancy
Posted on - 2023-08-09
Expires on - 2023-08-23
No: 01/2023
1st Publication on 9 August, 2023
The Rural Institution for Community Development (RICOD) is working with children, women and youth in the areas of primary health care, school education, food security, humanitarian emergency response and climate change since 1995 in Nepal. The organization is seeking a self-motivated and qualified candidate for "Mutual Learning for Improving Health and Nutrition Scenario" project funded by Norwegian Agency for Exchange Cooperation (NOREC).
Job title: Medical Professional (Doctor) -1, Level: 8
Duration: 14 months (15 September 2023-14 November 2024)
Desired Qualification: MBBS with Nepal Medical Council registration
Major responsibility: The Medical Professional (Doctor) has to stay in Bangladesh for 12 months. The major responsibility will be to work in a satellite and static clinic that is situated in the local community. This position will provide his service for promotion of maternal and child health, nutrition and reproductive health. In addition, this position will be responsible for program designing, implementing, monitoring and reporting.
Job title: Public Health Officer -1, Level: 8
Duration: 14 months (15 September 2023-14 November 2024)
Desired Qualification: Master in Public Health
Major responsibility: The Public Health Officer has to stay in Bangladesh for 12 months. The major responsibilities will be to initiate a school health program including general health screening, awareness sessions to adolescent in nutrition, personal hygiene and reproductive health. After returning to Nepal, this position have to apply the knowledge and skills gained from the host organization through various activities in RICOD. This position has to play a vital role as a liaison person between the host and home organization. In addition, this position will be responsible for program designing, implementing, monitoring and reporting.
Required Skills: Leadership, interpersonal communication, problem solving, public speaking, analytical and strong writing skills.
Job Station: In the beginning, the participant will stay for 15 days with home organization (RICOD) for preparation and about one and half months after returning to Nepal. There is a preparatory training on 1 - 6 October 2023 in Kathmandu. The participants have to attend in the training. After the training, the participants will work in Mutual learning for Improving Health and Nutrition Scenario project with the host organization.
Host Organization: The host organization Effort for Rural Advancement (ERA) lies in the north-eastern Bangladesh in Mollikpur Sumanganj-3000, Sylhet Division. The host organization will manage accommodation for participants in Bangladesh but they have to pay their food cost.
Salary and benefits: Monthly gross salary 125 thousand Nepalese rupees (Approx.), Annual leaves, Sick leaves and Accidental & Medical Insurance.
Qualified and interested candidates are requested to submit an updated CV with a cover letter by e-mail to by 23 August 2023.
RICOD has a zero tolerance for fraud, bribery and corruption including sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment. We have a strong commitment to dignity, justice, transparency, accountability, and environmental sensitivity. We are proud of diversity in all its forms, including age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, and cultural background. Applicants from all backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives who meet the requirements for the position are welcome to apply.
Only short listed candidates will be invited for further process and Priority will be given to those candidates who can speak the Bengali language.