The Rural Institution for Community Development (RICOD) aims to build a just and
equitable society by empowering the community for the well-being of all. It
has been working with women, children, youth, elderly people, minority groups
and people with special needs to improve their livelihood. Primary health care, school education, food security,
humanitarian emergency response and climate change are the thematic areas of the organization.
RICOD has been partnerships with: Terre des Hommes, Mennonite Central Committee, Chemonics int./UAAID, World Vision International, European Commission, European Union, Volunteer Service Overseas, Restless Development, Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Norwaigen Agency for Exchange Cooperation-Norway, MAMATA Health Institute for Mother and Child -India, Efforts for Rural Advancements - Bangladesh, SOLID Nepal, Merlin Nepal, Beyond Beijing Committee and district and local government of Nepal.